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A 3-level online course to develop the intuitive powers of: telepathy, healing, prophesy, creativity, clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience.


This promises to be a life-changing course. Click the 'Buy Now' button to get started.

For technical questions, CLICK HERE

For content questions, contact Mimi, CLICK HERE

People who purchase all three levels ($199) will be gifted with a free 1-hour psychic reading from Mimi for yourself or a friend
(value $155)

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LEVEL 1 ------------------------- $99



LEVEL 2 ------------------------- $99



LEVEL 3 ------------------------- $99



BUNDLE (LEVEL 1 & 2) ----- $149



BUNDLE (LEVEL 2 & 3) ----- $149



BUNDLE (LEVEL 1, 2 & 3) -- $199 




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Pay  for your choice of program with the yellow button above then email Mimi at mimiseton123@gmail to receive your purchase.



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